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NovaPro HD Firmware

not too long ago we had fimware update which was almost everything we wanted. after doign couple of jobs ont his we found our processors were loosing communications with laptop over time, specially after we send the command to be master or Slave. Novastar has since found the problem and corrected with this new firmware that I will be testing soon.

we have also found couple other issues which Novastar has not been able to replicate therefore cant fix it. not sure if this was related to anything else but offset on the screens were changing on thier own after 24 hours by 10 pixels. this only happand twice on multiple jobs out of 20+ processors it did this to 2 processors, so we werent able to point exactly what could have caused this. But this means we are that much closer to making this product perfect for our needs. We will be rolling out Tutorial video series for NOVAPRO HD in very near future. We wanted to perfect the software and firmware as much as possible before we started recording this as it takes lots of time and effort to make this videos. we didnt want to teach something one way and change it on next update. in mean time if you need help please free to reach out to me at

the new firmware for Nova Pro HD can eb found in this attached link's zipfile under ""

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